Ecology Assessment and Reports

Crestwood has extensive experience undertaking report writing and assessments for a range of sites, planning applications and governing bodies, including, but not limited to:

a) Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIAs);

b) European Protected Species (EPS) Licence Applications;

c) Development Licence Applications;

d) Protected Species Method Statements;

e) Ecological Management Plans and Strategies;

f) Construction Environment Management Plans (CEMP); and

g) Biodiversity Metric / Offsetting.

a) Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIAs)

A detailed and comprehensive assessment in relation to ecology, to identify the significant impact and effects in relation to a proposed development on species and habitats, in line with appropriate guidance. EcIAs will include mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures, residual and cumulative effects and can be produced, where applicable, as a technical appendix.

b) European Protected Species (EPS) Licence Applications

Our Ecologists are experienced in producing EPS licence applications in respect of various species and types of development. This includes design of appropriate mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures.

c) Development Licence Applications

Crestwood regularly produces licence applications for species such as badger and roman snail, to allow a development to commence lawfully.

d) Protected Species Method Statements

Protected species methods statements can be produced to provide detail on avoidance measures, precautionary working measures, timing of works, sensitive working areas and monitoring in respect of protected species.

e) Ecological Management Plans and Strategies

Crestwood has the capability to combine our wealth of in-house landscape and ecology experience to design, produce and implement Ecological Management plans for any site. These include detailed working prescriptions, planting plans, working timetables regarding management of habitats on site to enhance the biodiversity and conservation status of the local area.

f) Construction Environment Management Plans (CEMP)

The Ecology team at Crestwood Environmental, in conjunction with the Landscape team, are able to produce Construction Environment Management Plans that include:

  • Sensitive working methods;
  • Details of any relevant pre-commencement surveys;
  • Construction safeguards;
  • Habitat plan of sensitive working areas;
  • Schedule of works; and
  • Enhancement measures.

g) Biodiversity Metric / Offsetting

A biodiversity impact assessment calculation will calculate habitat measurements of habitats currently present at the site and habitats present upon completion of the proposed development in order to determine biodiversity net loss / net gain, in line with current guidance.

h) BREEAM Ecological Credits

Crestwood can provide both 2014 and 2018 BREEAM assessments for ecological credits. A site survey is undertaken to gain baseline data to inform the assessment process, including habitat calculations and recommendations for ecological enhancements, in order to obtain the required credits.