Heritage Surveys & Archaeological Services

All surveys need to consider both the buried and built heritage of a site, irrespective of whether there is an obvious focus within a project. We commit to including this as part of the heritage surveys that we provide to our clients.

Historic Landscape Characterisation

Historic Characterisation is the process of defining areas of land into categories that allow us to understand current and past land uses. It aids in the management of the landscape and aids decision making about future changes to be considered. The characterisation may be provided in the form of an interactive map or as a document with descriptions and illustrative drawings and maps.

Landscape Surveys

Mitigating the impact of proposals on settings of designed sites and landscapes is an iterative process best undertaken within a multidisciplinary team. As part of this integrated approach our in-house specialists provide ecology and landscape and visual impact surveys, specifically in identifying trees and hedgerows species of historic or ecological interest. Working in this interdisciplinary way we can pick up issues at survey stage so that they can be integrated at the earliest possible stage of work.

Archaeological Surveys

Archaeological and architectural features are not always visible or obvious. Surveys and detailed recording are utilised to highlight the presence of buried or hidden features. This allows informed decisions to be made about appropriate management of the entire heritage asset, groups of assets and settings.

We offer the following heritage and archaeological services:

Heritage Surveys Related Interdisciplinary Services
Historic Landscape Characterisation

Historic landscape modelling

Professional input from in-house landscape architects

3D landform modelling and analysis

Mitigating settings of designated sites and landscapes Visual impact assessments, visibility mapping and analysis
Archaeological surveys including:

Walk-over surveys

Field-walking surveys

Geophysical surveys

In-house ecology service to inform and help prevent effects on protected species potentially present

3D digital modelling and analysis

Archaeological surveys including:

Remote sensing

Aerial photograph analysis

LiDAR analysis

3D digital modelling


Please feel free to contact us on 01902 229563 or email us at info@crestwoodenvironmental.co.uk for more information and a free quote. Alternatively, you can visit our contact page here.

Are you interested in developing a career in this service area? If so, please visit or contact us via our careers page here.