Environmental Assessment Services

Environmental Assessment & Monitoring

Here at Crestwood Environmental we have many years of experience of dealing with complex environmental assessment and monitoring projects to evaluate potential risk & impact to your development or project.

We are set-up to work with your project team on individual or the full range of aspects, and with others or ourselves leading the EIA or SEA co-ordination on your environmental assessment.

We can assist or undertake the Screening and Scoping Opinion requests, produce the technical environmental assessments, ES chapter, accompanying figures and NTS, or provide the information you need in an efficient and well-considered way.

Our extensive minerals and waste planning and design expertise allows us to provide valuable assessment and evaluation of your project’s environmental impact, either as a critical friend or as the lead party.

Interdisciplinary Working

Experience is held in many sectors including minerals, waste, residential, forestry, energy, commercial, industrial and highways, to Public Inquiry, LDO and Judicial Review stages.

Key areas of EIA / SEA:

» Screening, Scoping, NTS, ES
» Landscape / Visual (LVIA, RVAA, LCA)
» Ecology (EcIA, HRA)
» Environmental & Social (ESIA)
» Heritage & Archaeology
» Hydrogeology & Surface Water

» Noise
» Air Quality
» Lighting
» Trees
» Ecosystems Services / Natural Capita
» Waste
» Sustainability

Residential Aerial

Please feel free to contact us on 01902 229563 or email us at landscape@crestwoodenvironmental.co.uk for more information on our Environmental Assessment Services and a free quote. Alternatively you can visit our contact page here.

Are you interested in developing a career in this service area? If so, please visit or contact us via our careers page here.