Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

Crestwood has the capabilities to combine our wealth of in-house landscape and ecology experience to design, produce and implement Ecological Management plans for any Site. These include detailed working prescriptions, planting plans, working timetables regarding management of habitats on site to enhance the biodiversity and conservation status of the local area.

When scoping out any potential development site, it is important to consider any environmental legislation and therefore any ecological impact a proposed development may have.

Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIAs)

An Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA), is the process through which the potential impacts and effects resulting from a project are identified, quantified, and assessed through appropriate ecology surveys and assessments. This assessment can be undertaken for sites or projects of almost any size or scale.

An objective view to identify the significance of the potential impacts of a proposed development on species and habitats during an EcIA. This will be based on previous surveys undertaken in combination with our Ecologist’s wealth of experience.


If you would like to contact us about these services – please visit our contact page here, email us, or call us on 01902 229 563 (Nick Masters)

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